Category: Prayer & Ritual
Hits: 1530

Going by the monastery's age old tradition, every 27 th day of the 12 th Tibetan Calendar Month is marked for TAMDIN PHURJEL - Tamdin Ritual Dagger Blessing Ceremony). Where the Phurba - the Ritual Dagger, is taken out only during this day of a year to bless sentient beings.

The ceremony involves some traditional & unique customs performed by the custodian monk in the morning, and later proceeded in special procession to the Abbot's throne. From where the Abbot conducts & offer prayers before commencing the blessing ceremony - by placing the Tamdin Phurba (Ritual Dagger) on each devotee's head.

The blessing ceremony generally will go through well past noon, with devotees in long ques patiently wait to receive the blessing.